Buy a used tongue drum

Are you not an expert in musical instruments, but would like to play a tongue drum? A steel tongue drum can make your dream come true. With a great look and an instrument that you can take anywhere because it is very easy to carry. You can buy a tongue drum used or buy it new. Sometimes it is worth just choosing a new model that hardly exceeds the used price, such as the tongue drums at Sonodrum.

You don't have to practice for a year to play them well. You don't have to pay a lot for them either. Tongue drums are not electronic instruments. They have become increasingly popular due to their low price compared to other instruments. While a handpan costs thousands of euros, you can buy a steel tongue drum for less than 100 euros.

However, most decently sized, quality drums are closer to $200 or $300, unless you find a seller who is generously offering them at a lower price, as we have. It's hardly worth investing in a used tongue drum when you can get a new one for a little more that's well tuned and made of a high quality material.

How to choose a steel tongue drum?

This is a meaningful question, but unfortunately there is no easy answer. First of all, you need to choose a steel tongue drum that suits your personal needs. This means listening to the instruments and deciding which drum sounds good to you.

Since there are different scales and since tongue drums can be made of different materials, each drum sounds different from the other. The best thing to do is to search for videos on YouTube and listen to what the different drums sound like. Then you can choose the sound you like best and decide whether you want to buy the tongue drum used or look for a new one.

Buying a used tongue drum - how to choose the right instrument

There are a few things you should consider when choosing the right tongue drum. First of all, the scale is an important criterion when choosing the right tongue drum for you and your needs, because the scale determines the " feeling" or " experience" that the instrument conveys when it is played.

As mentioned above, tongue drums are available in a variety of scales: pentatonic, chromatic, C and D major, diatonic, E minor, or akebono. However, there are more variations than these, so it is important to do your research before choosing a scale. There are a few general principles for judging scales.

Buy a used tongue drum

Buy a used tongue drum: Which scale is suitable for me?

Major scales are generally considered uplifting and cheerful. A C major scale is particularly cheerful. So if you want to buy a used tongue drum that makes cheerful sounds, make sure you buy it in C or D major. At Sonodrum you will only find this type of tongue drum, and new ones in many cheerful colors.

  •       Minor or sharp scales, on the other hand, are considered darker, sad or thoughtful. A C sharp scale is considered very melancholic.
  •       The Akebono scale originates from Japan and is known for having a more meditative or Zen tone.

If you want to associate a particular mood or feeling with your tongue drum, you need to pay close attention to the scale and get to know it before you decide to buy a used tongue drum . Used tongue drums can already be out of tune. You should listen to videos to find your way around the scales straight away and not buy a drum that only sounds nice but is actually out of tune.

Some tunable handpans can be retuned using magnets, but this requires some practice and a tuning app. So when buying a used tunable tongue drum, it's important that you also buy an electronic tuner to help you hit the right notes. It's easier and not much more expensive to look for a new tongue drum.

Buy a used tongue drum

What to consider - Buying a used tongue drum

If you are willing to buy a second hand drum, you can buy them from sites like eBay or Craigslist. Make sure it doesn't have too many scratches. Ask for a video of the exact kalimba being played that is on offer. It should play a clear scale, not just sound pretty, so you can play clear notes and chords in a defined scale.

If you are looking for a high quality, handmade tongue drum at a good price, check out this beautiful tongue drum !
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