The tongue drum for yoga exercises/purposes

Make your body, mind and soul fit?

More and more people are doing yoga these days to keep themselves physically and mentally fit. Yes, yoga is even recommended by health insurance companies. It is possible to do the yoga exercises in silence, but music is often used as accompaniment. The sounds of the tongue drum are particularly well suited for yoga exercises/purposes .

Why use the tongue drum for yoga exercises?

Yoga is a way to train the body and mind. However, there is not just one form of yoga, but many. They focus on different areas, such as breathing, meditation, physical exercises. Yoga is suitable for all age groups, as no basic physical or mental fitness is required. Anyone can start and just see how far they get.

Tongue Drum Yoga

Particularly pleasant: Yoga with music

Nowadays we all suffer from an overabundance of noise: the streets are noisy, music is playing in every supermarket and restaurant. It is not a bad idea to focus on silence. The second way to escape the many background noises of life is to consciously turn on music so that it creates a space, for example for yoga exercises. Many people find this particularly pleasant. We recommend the tongue drum as an instrument for yoga exercises/purposes .

Yoga exercises to the music of the tongue drum

People who do physical yoga exercises need their hands and cannot use them to play an instrument. This is why self-played music from the tongue drum is not an option for yoga exercises/purposes . If you do the exercises at home, it is best to buy a CD . Then the music will accompany you the whole time. If you are the leader of a yoga group, you can have someone play the tongue drum on site while you lead the exercises. This way, the yoga classes never get boring. For example, you can adapt the exercises to the different rhythms of the pieces of music, i.e. change your position after a certain time to the same sounds. This structures your exercises and ensures that you take enough time for them. A CD with music from the tongue drum is also useful for yoga exercises/purposes if you want to sit still and meditate.

Why is the tongue drum so suitable for yoga exercises?

In principle, there are no rules as to which music is best suited for yoga exercises. If you listen around, it quickly becomes clear that the music on offer is mainly relaxation music. It is suitable for slow exercises and meditation. But there are also CDs and downloads on the Internet that contain rhythmic, snappy music. With the tongue drum, you can cover both areas. A note played resonates for a short time, which is perfect for yoga meditation, but also for stress relief . At the same time, the tongue drum is a drum - and you can play rhythms with it.

Tongue Drum Yoga

The next level: Meditate and play yourself

Would you like to take your meditation exercises to a new level? Then you can play the tongue drum yourself during yoga meditation. Admittedly, this sounds easier than it is, because you should already have some practice with the instrument, so you shouldn't be a complete beginner. But it doesn't have to be a long way to get there, because the tongue drum is easy to use and doesn't require a great deal of skill. It's more about playing intuitively. Once you've managed that and are able to detach your hands from your head and improvise on the tongue drum for yoga exercises/purposes with your eyes closed , you can accompany yourself while you clear your mind. Then you play individual sounds and concentrate on your breathing or positive thoughts. You will see that the tongue drum is exactly the right instrument for yoga exercises/purposes .

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